Can You Boost Your Creativity With Adelanto Weed?

Adelanto Weed

So you’ve found yourself a bit stuck with your creative process or project. Naturally, you went to Adelanto, picked up some weed, sat down, and stared in awe as many interesting concepts and ideas started to manifest in your thoughts. Even though such situations seem common, you are probably wondering if there is a relationship between cannabis and creativity.

Fortunately, you’re not the only one who has wondered the same thing, and plenty of research has been started regarding how to boost your creativity with cannabis. Keep on reading to learn more about this really interesting relationship.

Relationship Between Cannabis And Creativity

Through the forms of clouds, herbs, and many plants, the natural world unwittingly provides catalysts of creativity. One of these plants, cannabis, has been used for thousands of years as a source of inspiration for humans. Practitioners in China have been using it to "cure" forgetfulness since the times of the ancient dynasties. One could argue that many contemporary visionary artists use it for the same reason.

Creativity is not just an cool quality but also a problem-solving tool that can be applied to many different aspects of life. The story of Archimedes of Syracuse, who was taking a hot bath one evening, is perhaps the most relevant real-world example. In a flash of creative insight, Archimedes' method for determining the number of impurities in gold came to him.

Boosting Creativity with Cannabis

Many artists share a common experience despite the fact that the psychoactive effects of cannabis vary from person to person. They feel more open to unconventional ideas while high on THC. In other words, their inhibitions subside, and they are able to approach their work with a new point of view. However, moderation is essential and doesn't come with any guarantee on its own.

One study found that the mere act of putting your goals on paper increased the likelihood that you would achieve them. Whether it is writing, drawing, or conceptualizing an idea, it is important to establish a general goal. Once you have that, all you need is a boost of inspiration and creativity. Regardless of your end goal, preparation is also really important. 

Our Relationship with Creativity

Creativity is perhaps the most important quality that separates us from the rest of the living species on the planet. The capacity for creativity, as we understand it, appears to be a hallmark of the human species. Because of our brains' capabilities, we can make our dreams come true.

Numerous painters, poets, and other creative types have access to a wellspring of inspiration and originality from birth onward. Some people tap into their imagination after having an exceptional experience or acquiring exceptional resources.

Divergent and Convergent Ways of Thinking

The ability to generate several possible responses to a stimulus is what is meant by "divergent thinking" as opposed to "convergent thinking," in which only one viable solution is sought. Multiple studies have found positive associations between free-floating ideas and schizotypy (which is an additional type of creative process thinking).

Simply put, those who are divergent thinkers are more likely to see multiple possible answers to a question or problem, rather than just one. People who think in a divergent fashion come up with a variety of different approaches when presented with a problem or question. The more unconventional one's thoughts are, the more original they are typically deemed.

In fact, convergent and divergent thinking patterns have been identified by researchers as the two most prominent structures upon which our thought processes are based.  The link between thinking outside the box and being creative has become one of the most debated topics in the academic and scientific worlds in recent years.

Convergent thinking is characterized by a logical, sequential thought process. This way of thinking is useful when confronted with hard data, exact figures, and other concrete pieces of information. This way of thinking is essential when solving logical puzzles, doing calculations, and performing other tasks with a single, correct solution.

Cannabis plays a role by facilitating a transition from this closed, vertical way of thinking to one that is more porous, horizontal, and abstract. Many people find that changing their mindset helps them come up with new, personally-expressive ideas and gives them a place to start when making groundbreaking works of art.

Adelanto Weed

Get Some Adelanto Creativity Right Now!

There's a wide range of options to experiment with when it comes to cannabis and creativity.  From indica and sativa and hybrids, to vape pens, edibles, and bongs. Fortunately, Jet Room stocks countless items that can do just that: put yourself in a meditative state where you can dream up stories, images, and ideas like never before. To get past a creative rut or just to experiment with new techniques, contact us at (833) 538-7666 or stop by 17499 Adelanto Rd, Adelanto, CA 92301 to acquire your Adelanto weed We eagerly await your next creative vision.


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