How to Properly Deal With the Munchies After Smoking the Best Weed in Adelanto

Best weed Adelanto

Many of you reading this have likely experienced a munchie attack after smoking the best weed in Adelanto. It’s a common occurrence among stoners to have this sudden urge to consume everything in sight after a good smoking session. 

At the moment, every bite will feel glorious. Every food combination – whether it’s fries dipped in honey or vanilla ice cream and soy sauce (yes, some people do this) – will somehow make sense. 

But most munchie attacks don’t always bring about the healthiest food choices. And if this is something you’re conscious of, this article is for you. 

Why Do We Get the Munchies?

Let’s get a little technical here. According to studies, munchies, in a nutshell, are usually caused by the interaction between THC and the endocannabinoid system. 

Once THC enters the system, it binds with the CB1 receptors of the ECS. Research shows that receptors are also responsible for appetite stimulation. More studies have found a connection between CB1 receptor activation and the enhancement of the reward aspects of eating. 

How to Deal With the Munchies the Right Way

This article isn’t about preventing munchies because, for some people, this isn’t possible. But here are some ways to deal with it properly to not make you feel like you’ve committed a diet crime after. 


According to recent studies, 37% of people tend to think they’re hungry when they are, in fact, thirsty. One of the reasons is that signs of thirst tend to be less notable compared to hunger, and you can simply counteract them by taking a large sip of water. 

You can do the same thing once those munchies attack. Instead of going for a bag of potato chips, take a few sips of water. You’ll notice these urges slowly but surely dissipate. 

Time your smoking sessions

One way to do this is by smoking after a meal. This way, you’re going in with a full stomach and lesser chances of building these unnecessary urges. 

Another way would be to smoke when you’re not hungry. Perhaps a good idea would be after a long day at work when your only goal is to plop down on your mattress and melt into slumber. 

Go for something less sinful

Munchie treats don’t always have to be greasy slices of pizza. You can also substitute that with fresh fruits, a handful of nuts, or some granola if you want that extra crunch and texture. 

Speaking of fresh fruits, mangoes have a reputation for enhancing your high, thanks to the myrcene present in them. Myrcene is also a cannabis terpene that’s a known sedative

Best weed Adelanto

The Spot For the Best Weed in Adelanto

Many people would associate the best weed in Adelanto with Jet Freight. But do check us out yourselves and see why our most loyal patrons enjoy our products and services. 

If you want to know more about us and what we bring to the table, visit our website. 


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