How to Select Concentrates at LA Dispensaries

LA dispensaries carry wide selections of cannabis concentrates and extracts. You’ll come across different textures, colors, aromas, and potency levels. It’s essential to find the best product that matches your preferences. Here’s what to consider the next time you order from The Jet Room in Los Angeles!

What to Look For in Concentrates

Concentrates typically offer more potency, richer flavor profiles, and a smoother smoking experience. Concentrates can also be more expensive compared to standard marijuana strains. Because these products can be a luxury and more potent than typical cannabis, it’s essential to know what to look for. 

Check the Potency

Cannabis extracts typically have higher levels of THC than standard strains, offering a more intense, cerebral high. In fact, some concentrates can have THC levels ranging well over 60-8099%%. It’s best to select cannabis concentrates that match your tolerance level.

You might want a product containing less THC if you’re new to cannabis extracts and you’re still finding your footing. Products with THC levels around 60%30-8550% will still hit like a truck, especially if you’re a novice. Experienced stoners might seek out more potent strains with varying terpene profiles.

Consider the Consistency

Cannabis concentrates have a wide range of consistencies and textures. Shatter extracts are glasslike and break into tiny shards when pressure is applied. Cannabis wax has a stickier, gummy-like texture, similar to candle wax. There are products that have textures somewhere in between as well.

You might prefer a specific texture over another. On the flip side, you might not know what to look for if you’re just starting out. Don’t be afraid to consult one of our expert budtenders for their recommendation and guidance. They’ll suggest different products that suit your tastes and situation, ensuring The Jet Room delivers you a quality product. 

Think About the Terpenes

One of the advantages of cannabis concentrates is the distinct terpene profiles. Cannabis concentrates and extracts have more intense terpene profiles, offering a richer taste and aroma. The terpenes can affect how lemony, piney or spicy an extract tastes as well as the effects.

Be sure to consider the terpenes if you’re familiar with different flavors and varieties. You can always ask your budtender for advice if you’re unsure what to expect. They can access your preferred tastes and find products that suit them. For example, you might prefer citrus tastes over piney flavors. Either way, The Jet Room crew is here for you.

Order Delivery from Our LA Dispensary Today!

The Jet Room has proudly served the High Desert Community since 2018 and Los Angeles communities since 2021. Our mission is to provide all of our patients with the care, comfort, and warmth they deserve. We carry a variety of strains, concentrates, and edibles that suit any taste or preference. 

Our budtenders are always here to help if you have a question or need a recommendation. So what’re you waiting for? Order from our Los Angeles location at 178 S Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90057 or call us at (833) 538-7666!


How to Select Edibles at LA Dispensaries